Where Jack London recounts in a series of striking sketches his experiences as a juvenile hobo roaming throughout the U.S.A and Canada on freight trains for more than a year, written largely in the jargon of the army of tramps young and old that were such a conspicuous aspect of the American social scene of the times.
CONFESSION – how a successful hobo very much needs a solid dose of artistic ability to be able to convince upright citizens to provide him with his daily nourishment ; (…)
Accueil > Jack London > JACK LONDON MEMOIRS
"The Road" (1907) - Jack London’s vivid account of his hobo days
6 mars 2019, par Jack London -
"Through the South Seas with Jack London" by Martin Johnson
12 décembre 2018, par Martin JohnsonAt the peak of his writing career in 1906, after having written much of his most outstanding work, Jack London decided – very much encouraged by his wife Charmian London – to build the sturdy little 45-foot (13.7 meters) two-masted schooner The Snark and to embark with his small crew of 6, including himself and Charmian, on a trip around the world that was intended to last a full seven years.
One of the best-known writers in the world by this time, he had made it known through newspaper (…) -
Jack London’s in-depth exploration of the (shocking) living conditions in London’s East End : "The People of the Abyss" (1903)
2 décembre 2016, par Jack LondonIn 1902 the 25-year-old Jack London, who was already a veteran of a year of vagrant "hobo" wanderings around the American continent when he was 17, of a year of sailing on a fishing boat in the Far Pacific when he was 18, and of a year in the Klondike gold-rush in Canada’s Far North when he was 21, found himself in London, where he had been sent by a Californian newspaper to cover the Boer war - which however had been concluded by the time he arrived there.
So instead of exploring the (…)