Accueil > Science-fiction > "A Matter of Size" (1934) by Harry Bates

"A Matter of Size" (1934) by Harry Bates

jeudi 2 mars 2017, par Harry Bates

We found this imaginative and rather charming story by the author of Farewell to the Master (The Day the Earth Stood Still), about one personable and very resourceful scientist’s encounter with the emissary of a surprisingly-advanced civilization that requires his services for an unnamed but really pretty basic function, in one of the — and one of the best ever — major anthologies of science-fiction stories and novellas : the remarkable 1000-page "Adventures in Time and Space", edited by Raymond J. Healy and G.J. Francis McComas, that first appeared in August 1946.

This very readable and fast-paced sci-fi adventure tale was first published in the April 1934 issue of Astounding Stories, whose striking cover by Howard G. Brown can be admired here.
(20,000 words)

The complete text is complemented here with the original May 1934 Astounding artwork by M. Marchioni.

An e-book is available for downloading below.


A Matter of Size (e-book)